Slider Vacuum Pods
The Replacement Vacuum Slider Pod Tops are available in different sizes to suit most any machine
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Price: From $408.87 to $651.42
Square Slider Vacuum Pod. These pods will shift 5/8" in any direction as well as rotate 360 degrees for increased flexibility!
Price: From $346.80 to $451.20
The NEMI Vacuum Slider Pod Blank Top is ready for your custom part. Just cut your groove and gasket and ready.
Price: From $409.20 to $651.60
Corner Vacuum Slider Pod
Price: From $485.10 to $572.42
The NEMI Curved Slider Vacuum Cups enable you to hold curved parts such as arched windows and furniture parts with ease.
Price: From $409.20 to $486.00
The NEMI Dual Zone Vacuum Slider Pods or Cups enable you to hold 2 parts at a time.
The NEMI Dual Zone Vacuum Slider Pods or Cups with fence enable you to hold 2 parts at a time.
Price: From $408.87 to $651.60
Round Vacuum Slider Pod
Price: From $409.20 to $651.60
Straight Vacuum Slider Pod
With this setup plate you can do your setups on your vacuum slider pods off line while your machine is cutting parts
Price: From $49.90 to $263.34
Now you can locate smaller parts with the NEMI Fence Vacuum Pod!
Price: From $173.25 to $288.69
Replacement bases and other grid table bases
Nemi makes bases to fit a wide variety of grid table patterns including Holz-Her, SCM/Routech, Homag, Weeke, Heian and more!
Price: From $346.50 to $1,039.50
This handy product from NEMI combines the rigid security of mechanical clamping with all the features of our patented Vacuum Slider Pod base.